Tag: American Robin

What Bird Eggs Are Blue? A Look into the Species and Significance of These Vibrant Ovum

Bird eggs come in a myriad of colors and patterns, ranging from plain white to vibrant hues and intricate speckled designs. One of the most captivating and intriguing colors found in bird eggs is blue. The radiant blue color not only adds a touch of beauty to the natural world but also carries a deeper …

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American Robin

One question many people might have about the American Robin is this: is there another kind of robin that is not American? I will come back to the answer in just a bit. The American Robin is one of the most familiar birds, indeed, to Americans. They nest in yards from coast to coast. Connecticut, …

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The Robin – Our First Sign of Spring

The other day another teacher and I were talking about robins. My friend is from Alabama. I said to her, “Well, up here, when we see a robin, we know spring is not far behind.” In reply, Gail said, “Come on, Robins!” There have been some years when the robins have not left this part …

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